My new place smells like old people...


New member
So I moved into a new apartment last month, it is great but it smells like old people. I tried everything to get rid of the smell...candles, plug-in air freshners, spray air freshners, leaving my shoes out (they have odor eaters in them ) EVERYTHING

but nothing worked.....until yesterday

Yesterday I was taking a bottle of perfume from my medicine cabinet to put it away in the closet because I never wear it. It was on my bathroom counter, I went to get something from my bedroom, came back into the bathroom to finish doing my hair and the cord of the blow dryer knocked the bottle off the counter. I didn't have time to clean it up so I just left it.

I came home from lunch to the aroma of Cool Water perfume! *nummy* Finally my problems had been solved, right? I cleaned up the perfume bottle's shards of glass and instantly remembered why I stopped wearing this perfume.

Ummm... Shugarbaby. You're sure theres not a body laying around in a closet or something... right? :laugh:
I always said they smell and everyone acts like they dont. THEY STINK. I think a lot of em dont get out and air out their house much.
So I went "body hunting" last night, I didn't find anything. So unless there are bones in the wall I don't think any old people have bitten the dust in my place and left their remains.

I did find something hairy though, I pray to got it was a toupee and not some rodent that had "gone to the other side"
My cats keep leaving dead mice at the back door for me....I think they are trying to tell me I'm not eating right or something.