Timber clean out your PM's

learner202 said:
Who did a dog? GROSE RAD!

No bro. See mid got a little drunk and there was this dog see. Well you can figure it out. The dog was so messed up after that I had to keep her and since mid named her woman. Anyway it's a real sad story.
You have part of it correct. The dog was kicking though. By the time I got there. I am just glad she didn't have little mid pups
Of course I will take it me and rad are cool....but all I have to say is atleast I am playing w/something RAD! hahah :eek:
learner202 said:
I wont. His status around here might go to crap if everyone knows. I think I will send him a puppy for X-Mas

Actually, I think that'd lift his status a little. I mean, it can't really get any lower...