Too big

The Big Cheese

New member
I went out with a few friends last night and ran into some girls that I went to highschool with and they told me that I was getting too big. I told them that I was just over 202lbs a few guys turned around and told me I was full of shit. When ever I tell people my bwt they think I am lying to them and telling me I weigh a lot more. Does this happen to anyone else?
You are full of shit, put both legs on the scale next time.
i too have this problem....i had a kid the other day ask what i weighed...say 250lbs? i was like u have to be kidding me !! i am just barely over 200 and he asks if i am that would be TOO big for my body type and frame.
Nobody asks me my weight, I think they don't want to offend, I'm bulking!!
no one has told me I'm too big... My mom says I'm big enough, and on the verge of being too big, but that's just my mom.
People say I'm getting too big too. Well actually they say "fat." They say I'm getting too fat. I tell them I just weigh over 300lbs. They say, "Yeah, but with your 4'9" frame it doesn't look so hot - especially w/ a bf of like 75%." I don't think they know what they're talking about. My mom says I'm just a bit husky and that women LIKE that. So screw all those doctors.
I have actually gotten the too big thing and I am just a lil guy! Also when i was lean for comp, no on believed my wt.!
I don't look very big (ever since school started anyways lol)
i get called "big boy " a lot cuz i have a really hard to pronounce first name .
People have asked me lately why I'm losing weight.......I'm stronger in the gym now, so I assume there's more muscle there but without the bodyfat, I just look smaller with clothes ON