if you could be...



omniscent, omnipresent, or omnipotent, which would you be and why?
omnipresent. To se and experience everything everywhere
thumbs through the pages, omni , omni , omni, slides finger down page, ummmm, ill take omnipotent
omnipotent has been cool, ready for a change.

I heard that !!
I don't know if I'd want to know what people are thinking all the time. Would take away the mystery and anticipation.
If I were omnipresent, I'd just abuse that and would probably find out things better left alone.
Omnipotent.. I don't know. The there would be no challenge, no reason to feel accomplihment. Would be nice to win once in a while though. :laugh:
Now omnivore, that's the ticket!!! LOL
omnipotent would be great. Ah, the possibilities are endless.


I would use it for invasive mind control and other "wrong" things...lol j/k

Mainly I would just like to read women's minds once in a while. Not all the time though...that would be torture. j/k ladies. lmao!
Badgermoon said:
I don't know if I'd want to know what people are thinking all the time. Would take away the mystery and anticipation.
If I were omnipresent, I'd just abuse that and would probably find out things better left alone.
Omnipotent.. I don't know. The there would be no challenge, no reason to feel accomplihment. Would be nice to win once in a while though. :laugh:
Now omnivore, that's the ticket!!! LOL

Damn, you stole mine. I wanted to be an omnivore!
omnicient (obviously I'm not, since I spelled it wrong originally :D) = all knowing

omnipotent = all powerful

omnipresent = everywhere
Hey - this ties in to the "too big" debates. If you get so big that you're omnipresent, that's probably "too big" :D
I wonder how many of you had to do a quick search on the meanings of these words before you posted.......lol

I don't need to have some sort of a god complex....I AM god