i find myself attracted to ...


New member
beautiful women. is that wrong ? does that make me a bad pudgy ? i mean there are more than enough beautiful women to go around. i only want one , sheesh. Preferably one that can read and write and form complete sentences. One who isnt crazy (clinicaly or otherwise) Is that so terrible. I think not...
chelle-not even. theyre a just too many crazy ones out there, lol beautiful women find it unnecessary to develop a personality. wich is a pain in the ass, ive dated a few and they were not very interesting. so what do you do the other 22 hours a day ?

bg-lmao man that is what i call making sure.
Pudgy a word of advise....Look for a woman that is already on medication....Then you know she's nuts it has been diagnosed and as long as she takes her meds it's managable.