shaving tips

Munkeee de Sade

New member
Here are a few suggestions for those of choose to shave their nether regions:

1. If you have long pubic hairs, trim hair with clippers or scissors before using a razor to shave in close. Electric clippers are best for this purpose.

2. Take a very long, warm bath beforehand.

3. Before applying shaving cream, rinse the area with cool water.

4. Apply shaving cream a few minutes before shaving to soften hairs. Consider using a shaving cream with additional conditioners or aloe.

5. Be sure to use a sharp blade. You might try using two new blades if you are shaving a large area.

6. When shaving, stroke an area no more than twice to reduce skin irritation. On the first stroke, go "with the grain" to remove most of the hair, then go "against the grain" for a smooth, close shave. If "going against" tends to irritate you, then skip that and use both strokes "with the grain." Shaving this area against the grain can lead to very painful, itchy ingrown hairs for some people.

7. Be sure to clean the area afterwards with soap and water to reduce the risk of infection. Ideally, give the area a second cleansing using cotton balls and rubbing alcohol.

8. Some people find a daily application of baby powder or talcum powder especially helpful after shaving to keep the area dry and irritation-free.

9. Practice clean hygiene after shaving, washing the area at least once a day to reduce sweat and oil build-up.

10. Go as long as possible between shavings to reduce skin irritation.
A few warnings now that you have some guidelines:

1. People who allergic and react to some shaving creams: This area seems to have heightened sensitivity. Furthermore, if it does react, your natural sweat and the natural abrasion this area receives will most likely make your life a living hell (temporarily). Consider avoiding shaving all together, or try warning tip #3. If you do decide to shave this area, make sure you use hypoallergenic shaving cream.

2. People with sensitive skin may wish to avoid shaving for the same reasons. Again, if you chose to shave, consider shaving cream made for sensitive skin and use a hypoallergenic moisturizer afterwards.

3. Consider closely trimming your hair instead. It provides many of the benefits of shaving without all the risks!

4. Letting hair grow out after shaving your pubic area is a bitch. The sharp hairs combined with the sensitive skin will make you realize just how much movement happens in that area on an average day. Chaffing is nearly unavoidable.

5. Keeping #4 in mind, people who walk/run/exercise a lot might wish to skip shaving all together if you don't want to invest the time in regular shavings.

In conclusion, you should talk with your partner about arranging to shave each other. This can be a very erotic and sensual activity. Be sure to communicate very clearly during the act and proceed very slowly. Find out what they like, what feels good, and what feels not so good. If you take the time to learn how to do this the best for them, they will love you all the more for it. Happy shaving!

Just hought this would be interesting.:D

look for one branded extra sensitive - it will need to have the ingredient "Triclosan" in it. it kills bactreia when you put it on which tends to reduce red rezor burn and pimples.
Also posted on FG a while back................

I was in my downstairs bathroom this morning so I didn't wake up the whole house. The kids have a week at home before they go away to camp.

So, had all my clothes for work, etc. and I figure that since my daughter and wife shave like every other day, there's shaving cream in the bathroom, usually they steal my Edge.

Much to my surprise there's a bottle of Skintimate Raspberry Rain instead of the usual Edge Gel. Figure what the hell, beats soap so...............

God, I feel so pretty now.

PS -
about a week ago I was standing in line for a cup of coffee at the bagel shop, had used Shimmering Pear shave cream AND Peaches and Cream Shampoo and the same scent conditioner (my shower is a madhouse with the wife and daughter).

The guy behind me WAS SNIFFING ME!
I was too embarrassed to turn around and tell him to stop.