Who Here Isn't Fat?


New member
This was in the Chicago Sun Times Today.

1 in 50 Americans now 100 lbs overweight.

But the fun part is this test to see if you are overweight. I am!

Take your weight and multiply 703. In my case that's 195 x 703 = 137085. Now divide that number by your height in inches squared. My case again 68 x 68 = 4624. 137085 / 4624 = 29.6.
Anything over 25 is considered overweight.

FYI my bodyfat is 9%.

Let's see if anyone here isn't fat!
Want to hear some scary shit. I heard on this commercial that 1 in three kids born after the year 2000 will be diagnosed with diabetes. That is a staggering number.
learner202 said:
Want to hear some scary shit. I heard on this commercial that 1 in three kids born after the year 2000 will be diagnosed with diabetes. That is a staggering number.
Come on learner, belly (chuckle, chuckle) up to the bar and take the test!
19.1. I'm not fat....but of course someone informed me in my pics that i was toooooooooo skiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiny! LOL:D

I would estimate my body fat at 9-11% right now.
28.74 Tank god I'm only 212 right now. Anybody know how to make someone 39yrs old 6-8" taller I'd like to weigh 230+ again.
Im 19.9........ Guys- what is killing you is the muscle WEIGHT ya know of course your not fat...... Is that how they really figure it- no wonder they say everyone is overweight...... that is kinda crazy huh?
Just under the wire @ 24.4049

Do you think these jeans make me look like I'm 27.5064? (fat):D
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tee hee, what is it rag on me day?

=34.66(holy shit) no way.