Ethics question


New member
Ethics question

You are a photographer in the middle east. You prize yourself as being one of the top photographers in the world. You spot Osama Ben Laden by a cliff hanging on for dear life. You only have seconds to make a decision before he falls to his death. No second guessing this one because time is not on his side.

So here is the question

Which lens do you use?
I must be getting over the hill because I can't figure this one out at all. What does a lens have to do with pissing on his head?
I cant believe you guys...

He is still a human being - so

Use a polarized lens and make sure the red-eye setting is on.
I would get a close up of his scared face and then I would save him. I would take him home and let inside officials of the government secretely torture him unitil he died. POS!