Sex toys?



If your partner wanted a sexy toy as a spice up the love life thing what would you get him/her?

I saw a item called a fuckingmachine, i would never buy that since my electric bill would go sky high.
What would you buy?
Dont be shy we are all adults here.
I have a female friend who says this certain one is the shit. Its called a pearl driver or something like that, she said the end twists and looks like lines of pearls and moves up and down, it runs $50
I figured who else to ask but a woman who uses them, and all the women I have talked to say its the shit, and turns them on and then they will do whatever thier man wants.
try that.
maybe if she tries it with that she might let you, most women are just scared, it will hurt or shame them, it takes some gentle persuasion.