on the bottom


New member
everything has been going wrong for me and has got me feeling really down, but i guess when you are on the bottom, you can only go up from there
I am a huge believer in the whole "positive mental attitude" thing. I'm am certainly sorry that things have been rough, and I'm not trying to make your situation sound petty. I don't even know the details bro, but you got to make your self think positive. You have to focus on the positive things and the rest will work itself out.

Keep you head up bro.
I've been there myself a couple times recently. All I can say is keep fighting and things will look up. I don't think I have ever had a positive attitude in my life. Fortunatly my wife dose and keeps me going through the tough times. If you have a wife/gf or a good freind let them help you. Sometimes sheer will power isn't enough.
try to stay as positive as possible during the holidays. surround yourself with your family and friends. something good will happen to you shortly, it might be small, but if you recognize it things will turn around from there. :)
I can relate. I've got a lot going on in my life right now and it could get me down with some of the things that have been happening. I recently started my 3rd cycle and it actually changed my outlook to more of a "fuck it" approach. Don't sweat the little things...Enjoy yourself...that's my motto right now. And get as BIG as possible while you're on! Are you on right now winneevee? Is it anything a little dbol wouldn't help? :D