Anyone Dance at all?


Do any of you people go out and dance? C'mon, which of you big guys are light on their feet?

I for one have been attempting Traditional Salsa and modern dance.
I'm thinking of changing from computer engineering to interpretive dance. After I start clomid though...
I dance with my woman, but I kinda look like" King Kong meets BET" . You can only move so much and look so cool when your over 250lbs. I must look like Warren Sapp doing his Beyonce dance in the end zone..... But we have fun just the same.
Hey!....quit checking me out!
The only dancing I do is in the bedroom with the little woman!:cool: ......then again......we sometimes do a little of that dancing in public places. :eek:
I won a dance contest in 6th grade. It was hilarious I am sure. My GF at the time was about a foot taller than me. We did the "bump"!! Her hip was hitting me in my ribs-thought she broke some bones and such!! I took one for the team!!
SuzyQ said:
CC dances with me in the kitchen, but not out in public very often.:(

Sorry I think I used up all my dance tickets at the 20+dead shows I hit in my wasted youth....