Areas that develope a little too fast


New member
Okay ladies here goes. After spending 4.5 months in an arm cast, I started back going to the gym. All is well. I had this "problem" before the broken wrist, so it is nothing new. I do the basics such as bench press, shoulder press, seated rows(for back) pull downs, heavy shrugs for traps(love shrugs) and I like cables for chest. Some people would love to have this "problem" but my arms tend to get a little big and seem a little out of poportion. I have always had broad shoulders and that's cool because I have a powerlifter's build, but I do not want my arms to be out of control. I may do a couple bicep exercises(out of fear that there will really be a problem), but basically I do not have a bicep routine due to the fact that they seem to get big with the other exercises I perform. I make sure the part I am working gets work and can feel it the next day so I know I am performing the exercises correctly. I have been working out to put on muscle(and to lose bodyfat) but my arms seem to grow faster than anything else. Anyone else have runaway bodyparts that grow just by being near weights?
I know this was for the ladies.... But I would like to share my thoughts anyway.... so here it goes...

I personally haven't got this problem, but I know that there is some pro's who do. But this is a blessing not a curse.... Your arms can be your best body part with minimal work on your part and that is great. I understand you want to stay in proportion tho, so here is what I would do....

You could prioritize the other muscles around your arms, such as shoulder and chest, to hopefully spped their growth to match your arms..... and/or you can not train your arms as much.... Maybe just stick to shaping exercises and keep your reps a little higher with your arms.... this way, your arm workouts will not go to waste, but they won't grow out of proportion either.

Hope this helps.
I would love to have that problem... j/k...:D . When you say your arms seem out of proportion, do you mean to your legs or to your torso? I noticed that you didn't list any leg exercises, do you train them? Assuming that you do train your legs, I would just cut back on your bicep and tricep exercises. I did nothing but bench press for years and have the triceps to show for now that I want to create a bodybuilder's physique, I don't train my triceps alone, ever.
All replies male or female are welcome :). As stated, I have NO arm routine because of the way they grow from secondary workouts, but the high reps ideal is worth trying. My problem is that muscle seems to be building while I have a high bodyfat so of course I look like this giant "little" bouncer with boobs walking around the gym. We'll see how the bodyfat starts melting(I do cardio after every weight session, ripped forced - with ephedra in hand.
RedRock- I stopped training legs after I had knee surgery. I have a couple of titanium screws in my knee and have glass knees from years of softball abuse. My arms don't seem in poportion to my torso. I have big thighs and had the problem where I would train legs(before surger) and could not fit into jeans. Going to talk with Ortho Doc regarding knees to see if those screws can hold up to squats, leg press, etc. Right now, the only training legs get is cardio from the eliptical trainer after every workout.
My legs over power my upper body. I have to train my upper body harder than my legs. I have been trying to add some muscle to my upper body, it has been hard. I would go with lighter weight and more reps, ironbelle Hopefully that will do the trick :)