diuretics for comp.


New member
ha guys i plan on doing my first comp. in july and i dont know alot about diuretics, but i know i do hold water very easy. i really dont think i would like to use lasix from all the neg. effects i have heard. what are some other good options. i thought about using cytodyne's taraxatone but i figure i will be dissappointed on stage.
The trend within the past couple years has gone to less and less diuretic use and it hasn't seemed to affect conditioning much, if at all. I recommend aldactone for most but even then, I have dropped back on dosages to only 1/2 of what I recommended 2 years ago with the same, if not better result.

I would not talk you out of taraxatone, either. The milder the diuretic, the more you are forced to manipulate your water with natural methods. When you get this down, you are set.

The more diuretics (dosage and different types) you use, the harder it is to peak as you do more shows because there are so many more variables, in my opinion. Keep it as simple as possible.

Bump that Skip. The more drugs you add the more you can fuck it up. KISS: Keep It Simple Stupid.


Taraxatone is a blend of herbs - dandelion and uva ursi, among others. Prob. is, it contains about 150 mg of caffeine in a suggested dose. Therefore, it doesn't allow you to manip, the herbal diuretics without getting wired.

Don't get me wrong - caff., is a great diuretic, but I'd keep that at reasonable levels and take the herbs by themselves.
