Are Men stronger than

Count Blah

New member
Are Men stronger than Women? Why?

Are women stronger than men? Why or why not?

need input for a term paper, any help would be appreciated

Is this the forum to be gathering answers for you term paper?... Shouldn't you be looking into the scientific research?... (There's plenty of it, BTW.)

Just curious. If you were my student, I wouldn't consider this an appropriate source of info. for a term paper, unless you were supposed to gather public opinion?...

sirben187 said:
men are stronger - mentally, physically, emotionally. Just my .02

in general i might agree with you, but after seeing my wife give birth i'd say women might have something on men.
sirben187 said:
men are stronger - mentally, physically, emotionally. Just my .02

I agree that men are stronger physically. However, I must disagree with a blanket statement that men are stronger mentally and emotionally. It has been proven that men's brains work differently from women's brains. Both have their advantages and disadvantages - neither is superior to the other, except in respects to certain perspectives. I do think that women are shrewder and have more common sense than men, but I believe that research has shown that men have higher intelligence levels (IQ's) on average. As any woman knows, however, that does NOT translate into higher mental ability.

Regarding emotions, I personally feel that women are better able to control emotions when necessary. How often does a man get in a bar brawl just to blow off some testosterone? Women just don't lose control as easily. Besides, women don't think with their dicks. LOL
SuzyQ said:

Women just don't lose control as easily.

You haven't met my girlfriend or any girlfriend I've ever had. Come to think, my mother, grandmother and aunts too.

I highly dissagree.
SuzyQ said:

Regarding emotions, I personally feel that women are better able to control emotions when necessary. How often does a man get in a bar brawl just to blow off some testosterone? Women just don't lose control as easily. Besides, women don't think with their dicks. LOL

No, women are the biggest emotional messes on the planet. That's why you never hear the term "drama king". You girls are nuts.