Advanced nutrition question? Protein

What is the truth in how much protein a person needs to grow not on roids and on roids how much? Is there a test one could take? I found that over eating would make me shit three times a day. Isn't my body just wasting all that protein when I shit three times a day? I have read various nutritional books stating a person doesn't need as much protein stated by bodybuilders. A amount around .8 Grams per pound, and too much protein can be worse. When I started on my 4000 plus cal diet I noticed I started gain fat. I'm 25 male 8 months serious bodybuilding, all natural. My goals are to gain quality muscle and to look cut. Help on this topic would be great!!
Your questions are almost impossible to answer as we are all different.

Natural Growth= Training (hardcore) + Diet + Rest

Assisted Growth= Training (very hardcore) + Diet + Rest and AAS or Advanced Supplements

The rule of thumb was to be 1-2 grams of protein per lb of bodyweight, however one must remember that in almost every form of protein there will be fat and some will have alot more fat than others, example a whole egg compared to just egg white. The whole egg will have about 2 more grams of protein then just the egg white but will also have about 4 more grams of fat.

So you should review the type of proteins you are ingesting, how frequent and the ratio of protein, carbs and fat.

By just stating I am taking in 4000 calories does not mean much until you break it down into the three categories.
i think every person is different. for me i shit 3 times a day at the minimum weather i am bulking or cutting. the easy thing to do is make sure you are eating enough to make gains. if you are making gains at 3000 cals there is no reason to eat 3500 if you see what im trying to get at. you will eventually get to a point where you simply can not gain any more weight on the amout of food you are taking in and will have to up your cals. you need to realize that every person is different with the amount of protein they need so basically my advise to you is to eat enough that you are making gains and when the gains start to slow eat more.