anibody here did the FAST


Flight Apptitude Standard Test?
is the test the army gives to wannabe helicopters and airplane pilot,i ordered 2 books to study on them
but if by any chance somebody allready did them could tell me what is all 'bout?
If I'm right you still haven't taken the ASVAB yet. Better worry about that first. Better make sure your verbal and math skills are good to even qualify to enlist. The other scores don't mean anything if you can get a qualifying AFQT. Most recruiters don't even want to talk officer programs to you unless you already have a 4 year degree, or they will lie to you to get you enlisted and then it's too late to find out you might never have a chance to fly.
yes to qualify i have to get a GT score of 110 on the asvab,aniway i am studing right now for the asvab..