ebay lol clomid

I have seen some Winny for sale on Ebay. It was by Zambon, had the drug profile/pics and everything listed. No it isn't legal, but people do it in hopes they won't get caught...Can you say stupid and also S.C.A.M.M.E.R.S that is what most of them are...

Or worst yet, an undercover sting operation targeting people of our lifestyle by the DEA. Just make sure none of you guys bid on it...would hate to get a call to get you out of jail. LOL!!!

Stay true to the Iron!!!
Ive seen it all on Ebay.
Sustanon Amps

Most say theyre sending you a pic of the said steroid.Their Feedback sometimes is pretty good.
I do believe you require a Rx for clomid. Therefore if you buy or posses anything that requires a Rx and you don't have one. I would assume you could get busted. But for clomid I daubt it.