Workout routine suggestions?


New member
I have been lifting for about 4 1/2 years. I am getting some what bored with my routine (mind you, I have switched it up). Does anybody have a GOOD strength/mass producing workout they would like to share. Anymore, I feel that I am going to the gym and going through the motions. I am sitting at about 230lbs. with 5% body fat. Any help or advice would be great. Thank you!
230 at 5% isn't good enough? - lol, j/kidding. The best strength/mass producing workouts I know are to do core exercises--squat, deadlifts, bench, etc. Hit them heavy, hard, high weight, and low reps. Ahhnold said in his book that at one point he also became bored. He started doing powerlifting doing core exercises and entered many contests and broke the records (he mentions a stone lifting contest in one part).

To give you anything more, we need to know your current routine and possibly what you've done before, as we don't want to tell you to do something you've already done.
Yes, I forgot about that one, the DC training manual is a MUST. EXCELLENT info in there.
Thanks a lot guys. This is going to be helpful. I let you all know how it works out. I will try to post some pics. Thanks again!
You're welcome, and we look forward to seeing your results.