Clen dosage?


New member
Hey fellows, just wanted to ask and see what you would recommend the dosage for Clen hubei Huangshi (china) at 0.04mg/tab, and what would be the ideal daily dosage for that for let's say 8 weeks.. Thanks bros
run it 2 weeks on 2 off...and pyramid the doses...some run it at one dose but for someone who has never used it ramp them up..for the first day start at one tab broken into 2 peices...then go up to'll figure your limit...
okay i will try that then, so what kind of result should i expect from clen? has anyone got a good result like in gettin the belly cleared, caz i know i have a bit left to workout and i was wondering how long should i run it for, like 2 weeks on 2 weeks off for how long or till i get the belly cleared??? thanks bros
depends if you can get some ketotifen then you can run it upwards to like 12 weeks......and yeah in my experience clen attacks the fat quite for the two weeks you wanna get the fat off.... i doubt it bro......but 4-6 weeks i think is possible......but watch it the lean body mass is precious and clen will make you not wanna eat much......muscle goes so so so much faster than it ass but its mother nature for you.......stupid girl!

good luck with the cutter bro
Normally I would respond to take ECA instead, since it works better and is legal. However, it's not legal anymore, so there goes my formatted response. :)

I'm still not much of a fan of clen.