I love allthewhey.com

little big guy

New member
I Just got 20 lbs of delicious protien for like 80 bucks. I stacked it all on the shelf that my roomates & I keep our protien on and they all got mad because its taking up all the room. Then they got even more pissed off when i told them it cost me about the same as 6 lbs of theire sh*ty gnc product.Then I got pissed off when I reallized they were all drinking mine because it tastes better.As fat Bastard would say "It's a viscious cycle"
they are cheap thats for sure......good stuff over there.....it taste better than optimum does....thats for sure!
I have had both orange and vanilla. The orange is great tastes like those popsicles with vanilla icecream and orange icecream.
yes they have wonderful and prompt service.. Also tastes great like someone said above banana is yum yum.