does steriods like medications store or lodge chemicals in cells?


New member
some drugs can be stored in cells like in the brain or fats are there any of these steriods been known to do that. Like mind altering drugs?or effecting parts of the brain like whn you have mood swings has anyone experienced anything like that between cycles?
i dont think so. The mind altering drugs are chemicals that cause a reaction and the mind altering states are usually a result of detoxification or toxificiation....but not always. but the body definately has a higher tolerance for testosterone then say valium or something....and that they are two completely different compounds.....which yeild different effects and results....but to answer the question...i really dont think so...but i dont know for sure....anyone else here?
your tolerance levels changes is it because your mental highs and lows are effected but you dont experienc same highs when your not on riods? Are there many adjustments between cycles? Or do you just change up when you reach different plateaus?