Don't u just hate this?


New member
I've been dieting for 3 weeks now, and last night was a big test of my will power, i was eating dinner with my family and i have my brother beside me eating grilled cheese and my parents eating pasta, and i look down at my plate of grilled chicken feelings quite eager to cheat.:angry: Plus my dad made his AMAZING chocolate fudge cake for desert, BUT i was strong i ate my chicken, and headed off to the gym for an hour of legs and 45 minutes of cardio, that took alot to resist, lol. Especially the smells! They were moving the grilled cheese under my nose! Don't u just hate that, when you dieting and friends or family try to tempt u to cheat . :uhoh:
...adn thats the reason IP has no family...he ate tehm all cause they looked better than the food he was getting....
:laugh: You guys are way to funny

But yea, Chaps, I hear you bro'!

I came home today to Hot Delivery Pizza and a HUGE pile of wings sitting on the counter.

I had one small slice & two wings. Moderation is key ;) I try to treat myself to something small once or twice a week for one meal. It's what you do the other 90% of the time that counts.
Lol those are the reasons why I have very little friends and that I stay in my house all the time........ After work, school and hard ass training my will power is at home eating my meals and sitting on the couch watching t.v...... Plus people just dont understand that by just teasing you it just gets annoying and really causes a hate factor to arrise.... I have about beat the shit out of a few buds of mine because with low body fat.......... shitty foods that i have to eat over and over and limited to................ just gets you mad and pissed off and ready to get the shit over!
Yeah, carbonated beverages are horrible for ya.

And i hear ya Profitsworld, i'm dieting down now and some of my freind dont and honestly will not ever understand why we do this. There incapable of understanding it.

I just ask them and everyone here this simple question:

Do you eat to live or do you live to eat???

If you want that body that ppl are always envious of you have to be strick all the time not just some of the time. And in case your wondering ask IP or MdTNT and they'll tell ya i def eat to live and NOT live to eat.
i dont find it hard cuz its just in my head thats its not acceptable to cheat and i dont try and rationalize it. im to scared to come in fat to my show. just dotn even think about how good it would taste or any of that good shit. you eat your food and thats it . dont put much value in food or eatign right now.