about dating now in days



First of all to be fair, just as there are fucked up girls in this world there are fucked up guys too. Not being bias here. But, is it just me and my friends or can you not be good to girls anymore. It seems like what it comes down to its that you either fuck them over or they will fuck you over. What the hell is wrong with people. Most guys I talk to feel the same. Ofcoarse they would never say it in front of their girlfriends. For example the girlfriend I had before this one. She would treat me like shit when ever I was nice to her. So I started treating her like shit then she started being nice to me and very loving. But at the same time she would tell her friends I was an a dick to her. Then all her friends that used to like me then hated. Girls will always say whats done to them never why or what they did first. Now this girl I am with I have been nice to and she does not appreciate shit I do for her. The more i do the more she wants. Really cold bitch. Its like I don't want to be alone for the rest of my life but as soon as I get a girlfriend there is so much bullshit that comes with it that it makes me wanna be single again:confused: Yeah I know there is that special someone for everyone but damn, most of the girls I met are fucked up in the head they have issues. I know its just not me cause like I said I have talked to alot my friends and they feel the same way. I mean girls are so stuck up now in days its hard to get to know them and then you realize this whole time they have been putting up a front. They are not who you thought they were. Its like they slowly come out of hinding. You know!? NO, I don't hate women I am not queer or anything like that. I am just dissapointed! :disgust:
I used to feel the same way bro.
Girls love bad guys. Then they try to change them! If they can't change them, they don't want them anymore, but if they do change them...they don't want them anymore. Get the lose/lose situation going on here?
I felt this way for many years bro! I used to go out with friends and totally ignore chicks. I would turn down sex in an attempt to keep my ego and make theirs smaller. It's a fucked up way of thinking. I used to hate them...I can't stress it enough. I went through a phase where I treated every girl I dated like shit and realize that it wasn't right...but at the same time, it's why they liked me.
But put it this way. Not all females are like that and when you finally do find one that is right for you, you will appreciate her more because of all those fucked up chicks that you have come across. As always, relationships take work and trust me...I'm in one right now that takes a lot of work, but don't forget guys have faults too and in return, she needs to put up with my shit. It's all about finding someone compatible dude and 19 times outta 20, it doesn't work out. I've been there. Some chick that didn't work out for you could be perfect for someone else ya know? But like I said, when it finally does click, you'll be happy that none of the ones before her worked out. My best advice is to never settle for someone, make sure you are happy with them or it will end miserably!
TheElmo, it has been like that for a very long time. When I was back in high school (a long, long, time ago), many girls told me that I was very nice, but when it came down to it, they didn't want me--they wanted the SOB who teased and treated them like dirt. I found way later on that the girls who were looking for a serious relationship or wanted to get married were the ones who had 'grown up' and had stopped letting guys treat them badly. PJT's advice is right on target--don't settle, and when you find that one that clicks, you'll be glad.
sounds like you guys have been dating the wrong girls. :)
I've seen it a million times.
I lived in a college residence.
There were sooooooo many girls who didnt respect their boyfriends. They would go to the bars and act like sluts when their boyfriends werent around. There was definitely a lack of trust and honesty in their relationships. There was so many nights that i would sit alone in my room on pub nights and study and listen to music and play guitar. Id sit there and id listen to girls losing their dignity. Drinking and puking their guts out. Boyfriends yelling and screaming at their girlfriends. Girlfriends yelling and screaming at their boyfriends. People used to come and ask me to go out to the bar for the night as if they felt sorry for me and id politely refuse. It never was really my scene. I like to know that i am coming home to the same person every single night. I find security in that. I will admit there are so many girls out there who want bad guys. They date them to try to change them or for the wild partying or the i mage. But you also have to admit that there are a lot of guys out there who date Bad girls. The girls that go to the bar and act like sluts and have no respect for themselves. Its a pretty sad society when its a cheat or be cheated on and i saw that alot in college. If you think that most girls dont appreciate a nice guy then i think your wrong. I think that in the end when those girls grow up and mature they will realize that they would rather have someone who truly cares about them rather than just some guy with issues who doesnt treat them well.
I have never ever ever ever wanted a bad guy. Not for the image. Not for the challenge of changing him. NOTHING>
I prefer RESPECT, HONESTY and LOYALTY over any of that other bullshit. Maybe its cause im a country girl with smalltown values and morals but hey its how i feel. Im a what you see is what you get type of girl and i do think that there are alot of those type of girls out there. Its just that you arent going ot meet them at a bar or pub. They are the ones that kind of stand back in the shadows. Its funny i mean who would wnat to be with someone who treats them badly? Someone who hits them? or degrades them? or doesnt appreciate them? Its like why would someone stick around for all of that?? Is it because we are afraid to be alone? or that we are scared that theres nothing else out there?
NO matter how dim the situation looks i can assure you that there are girls out there who want a nice guy.
A guy who opens doors and will sit and talk for hours and help them achieve goals and dreams. Someone who will do the little things that make everything worth while and when you find that you will realize that. I think the number one priority is that you have to make sure you are happy. YOu cant live for someone else you have to live for yourself. And before you can make someone else happy you truly have to make sure that you are happy yourself.
Keep your chin up !! :)
get a mail order bride,who doesnt speak a word of english and comes from one of those crazy countries that still allows men to kill cheating spouses..thats my next line of approach...

Been there also, now Im married and I have a daughter :)

Moral of the story is don't give up, be yourself and you will find her.

Maybe not today or tomorrow but when you do you will know it :thumbsup:
PJT said:
Yeah, but then how can you tell her what you want for dinner?
kinda like the picture menus they have at mcdonalds and shit i will have for her...hmmm maybe i better rethink the lanuguage thing...maybe she can be a mute LOL
TheElmo said:
Yeah I know there is that special someone for everyone but damn, most of the girls I met are fucked up in the head they have issues.

LOL...not sure how I missed this the first time, but it's so true! No offense to any females out there either, I don't want to stereotype, but from my own personal experience, this statement is dead on! I have to ask where you are from because going out in Boston, this is the case 100% of the time.

Fitchick - too bad there aren't more girls out there like you.

IP - that's a great idea with the picture menu.
You could be like...MAKE ME SOME POPCORN! :lurk:
basically it comes down to this, there are few few girls out there that dont take advantage of a nice guy, ive seen a lot of girl date a nice guy, but play them like ti aint nuthin, so basicllay girls like the bad guys i would say, the ones that dont give them everything they ask for, the ones that dont jump when they say jump, the one that dont give them what they want, its so wierd, but i have relized this, and in my case, it is a proven fact, i dated a girl for 2 years, at the begining, well for about 8 months, i was the nicest guy, well she cheated on me, i gave her another chance, blah blah blah, then i didnt treat her like i use to,"give her everything, talk sweet to her 24/7 and ect.. and i ended up having the upper hand in that relationship, rather than the beg. of the relationshop where she did, basically, i find it best to play hard to get, dont give them everything they want and ect... not say treat them like crap, but dont be whipped over a girl if she isnt whipped over u, cause if ur whipped and she said, then a lot of girls seem to take advantage of that, but then again, thats not all girls, remember that, u outta be able to pick out the girls who will take advantage of the niceness and the ones that wont, but all this is my opinion and my exsperience, hope everything works out, later bro
Women are like water there everywhere. You never find what your loooking for when your actively pursuing it, you find it when it comes along by chance.
good call bigworm. dont chase em, replace em. let them know thats how it is if they screw up and they behave better from day one.
If you are asking me where from, I am in South California. Not Hollywood or L.A just so you know. Its weird because girls during the day time they are pretty cool. But as soon as they go out or dress up they think they are Hot shit. The good old Barbie doll Syndrome. The only way to way with a chick here is to make friends with her during the day time then you ask them out. But if you go to a club. Forget about it, they are too good for anyone. Even the fat ugly one are stuck up at the clubs. Like my friend told me, "I hate to admit it but now I see why so many guys treat their girlfriends like shit." Maybe I should just marry some hoodrat and have a bunch of kids with her and get it over with:D