
If I were you, I would take it very easy if your going to workout. Your skin is very fragile in that area now and stretching it too much could not only ruin your tattoo (I have seen this first hand), but may also leave some permanent scarring.

It would be best to wait about 3 days after you've had your work done to let your skin heal a bit and let everything get settled, in my personal opinion. What kinda work did ya get done Rampage?
Getting inked didn't stop me from working out. Just keep lotion on it while it heals. It will dry and peel no matter what though.
i say take a day off, and thats good enough, but u HAVE to keep some kinda lotion or medicene on it and i think it should be fine, just dont let it dry out while ur workin out if possible
I keep neosporin on mine and skipped a couple days just to be on the safe side....
My pregnant chicken tat looks just like a got it yesterday.
yeah thats what i thought thanks guys....yeah i got a wicked azz dragon wraping around an existing tattoo pretty cool.
make sure you use neosporen fo no longer than 3 days. that stuff makes the color bleed right out. use it for the first 2-3 days and then use like a vitiman E creme. that stuff works great. i used neosporen on my first for a while and i had to get it re-done because alot of the color bleeded out.
I leave the area alone, from a known workout point. I have one on my chest so I will pass on it for a few days because it is tender, ect. I would not stress it though, a few days later, and no medical study has been done to my knowledge and you will be okay, I did it and my tats are fine. Remember thought, tough and improper workout and diet can hinder your bodies ability to self repair!
GrChRampage said:
i just got some work done on my arm,shoulder,bicep area can i work out with it fresh?

I did when I just had mine done but beware though not to touch it (it could become a lil infected in the process). Remember it has to heal since there will be a little scab on it real soon.