look in the mirror!

Glen Whitestone

New member
It's easy to live the occupation-I say occupation(bodybuilding) because I do it, but don't consider it a sport! I said it, my belief. It's a full time job, you can have skill, about the only one you can have really is genetics-like most pro athletes. Then you have dedication, hard work, diet, give up the good things in life in hope for something better? And what seperates you from the athlete? You were not born with the skill, all train to shapen, but you trained to build. I noticed this not too long ago, and it happens to every one of us! Look in the mirror, you still see that out of shape, fat, or skinny guy? Most of us do. The truth told you are not! For many they give up, about 90% I would say. You see some gym nut start hardcore, think he's gonna look like Ronnie in 3 months and when he doesn't he quits. But not you, you hang in there. It's a mental battle. When I look in the mirror I see that skinny kid about 6'3" 169. When I see myself in photos I say, who is this guy? He's fucking big! That's me, holly shit. Bigger than I originally wished for, bigger than all of my former big friends. The man-of what I set out to be in the weight room. Sometimes you have to take time and apprieciate your progress, its very easy to give up! Hit that plateau, don't loose weight fast enough, hard gainer, disability, what ever it may be. Do not loose faith, you cannot notice self improvement on a scale or with a tape in most instances. But one day you look back on your old self and say-damb, I am glad I am me!
That is a truly inspiring post. I'm saving it to my files. I see that kind of thing myself except for the bigger than I wanted to be part--haven't reached that yet, but I'm working on it.