Politics and media

Glen Whitestone

New member
C'mon, someone had to go here. I Dangerous topic, politics is the one thing that people can easily come to blows with because in the back of everyones minds is their future and their families future. I would describe myself as a non-party affiliate. I like John McCain, I would vote for him, I would also vote for Hilarry C! I don't wish to hear it either! My point is something for discussion off that topic-First the topic of Televised media coverage, has anyone else noticed they take political views? I don't mean the O'Reily Factor but most cable broadcast shows take a republican conservative view, they don't state it but when they have to ask an opposing side they snicker, or sign or give some sign of discomfort. I know of state run media in other coutries and I am not co-coo but how about state supported media-financially? Next-This is a new begining in an era where media coverage now more than ever before effects energy prices, every news agency reports some issue-if it is coal mine disasters, to the oil attacks in Nigeria and the pumps go up the next day. It takes 3 weeks for the oil in the refineries to hit the pumps! I wonder if the media is somehow getting some compensation to aggressively report these happenings, I mean shit, invest in oil then report on it to upset wall street and the price skyrockets. Next, nobody seems to care about the issues that are at hand, alternative energy(opec has the world by the balls, time to cut off their hand), global warming, econic recovery and alteration in the US and reduce not the US deficet but the trade deficet. As a former participant I can say I do not support the war. I think it was not one started by oil, rather to stabalize the mid east by getting a central strong hold in its shaky and not well respected center. Iraq hold a great value of being in the center of countries we fell as a threat, it would give us a great opportunity for propaganda campains and eavsdropping. Iraq was often seen as a non-muslin nation by the hard liners because of they sold oil to the US during the shortage in the 70's and because of the nations health care and womens rights programs. That's right, womens rights, they could have an education. So even if Saddam was a tyrant if we were going after tyrants we would have a lot of other countries to take a stab at first like Uganda or many other African nations where greater human rights atocities occur every day. I am not trying to get all "Oliver Stone" or crazy but just putting minds in action I hope.
wow, that was a mouthful, lol.

I like McCain too, I just wish he would drop all the bullshit about steroids and pro-hormones. He's half the reason pro-hormones are banned (even though they sucked).
Alarming news is good for ratings, and now that you mention it they probably do profit from the market disturbances that their stories cause. McCain is anti ultimate fighting which I interpret as being anti personal freedom.
I thought I liked McCain until hearing he's banned Pro-hormones(regardless of how bad they were) and is against the UFC.

Hillary would be a great President but only if she could show all the women across the US that it's OK for their husbands to get head at the office from time to time. Otherwise I don't like her very much