realistic fat loss expectations


New member
Hey everyone, I am new here. I just ordered my first cycle of IGF today, cant wait to start it. Quick question, what kind of fat loss can one expect on a 5 week cycle of IGF. I will be running 40-50 per day. Currently I weigh 195 with 14% bf, I lift three times a week and do cardio twice a week(45min). Thank you.
Well good things happens within the first week or two of usage..You will see leaner gains, but that means that you have to have your diet and Cardio in check...If you're looking for fat loss, i recommend at least 3-4 times a week of cardio of 30-45mins tops, but then again, if you're not used i recommend you start slow and work your way up...IGF will accelerate fat lose with good diet and Cardio,.....Good luck and keep us posted
Fat loss depends mostly on diet and cardio IGF will assist but its not magic unfortunately nothing is, I much prefer IGF for building muscle than burning fat personally
I used it on a bulker and added a few pounds with really no fat.

Got wicked pains in my elbows, so I know it was real stuff. Bad enough that I am not sure I will use it again. But I have heard you can get better results with HGH added to the mix along with slin and AAS. Haven't done the whole thing yet.

I usually can drop what I need with cardio, t3 and clen.
I've dropped weight and gotten stronger on IGF so it's hard to say what to expect. This past cycle my weight stayed exactly the same but my pants are falling off of me and my abs are showing better so I know I lost bodyfat.
I had the same thing happen to me. I'd say most people experience a fat loss while keeping their lean mass.
doctorwill said:
I used it on a bulker and added a few pounds with really no fat.

Got wicked pains in my elbows, so I know it was real stuff. Bad enough that I am not sure I will use it again. But I have heard you can get better results with HGH added to the mix along with slin and AAS. Haven't done the whole thing yet.

I usually can drop what I need with cardio, t3 and clen.

As always buy a blood tester BEFORE you start using slin and test constantly! Slin can do wonders, but it also can KILL you!!!

My results were pretty much the same...on about 75mcg ed for 15 days. I lost two vials while my package sat atop a post office heating unit...but got good results with one of the vials. Presser has offered to replace the order as it was not shipped as hopefully I can get back on the igf bandwagon. Rogan
rogan said:
My results were pretty much the same...on about 75mcg ed for 15 days. I lost two vials while my package sat atop a post office heating unit...but got good results with one of the vials. Presser has offered to replace the order as it was not shipped as hopefully I can get back on the igf bandwagon. Rogan

Presser is a standup guy! BTW, how do you know your package sat atop a post office heating unit???

Just Wondering....
I hope he is. His replacement offer was made on March 6...I know he's busy...but a month is a pretty long wait...then again what choice do I have.
Re the post office...package sat there for three days due to a shipping error...wrong tracking number etc. Anyway, here in Hooterville the post office is a one man operation and the little pacel shelf is right above the heating unit. The girls in my office bitching about their Valentine chocoaltes being melted is also a good clue.
guys presser is not only a stand up guy, but a good friend, he's had a sad loss to go through give him just a little time, he'll come through