Taking IGF


New member
I'm about 5'11 260 and pretty lean. I was thinking of going 5 days on 2 days off... Or is it important to take it everyday.. If so has anyone subdivided the shots.. take them in the morning.. pre or post workout.. let me know what you think!
njteacher54 said:
I'm about 5'11 260 and pretty lean. I was thinking of going 5 days on 2 days off... Or is it important to take it everyday.. If so has anyone subdivided the shots.. take them in the morning.. pre or post workout.. let me know what you think!

thats alot of size for someone lean. What dose would you theoretically run it at?

Most popular form of dosing is everyday, 2 shots a day spread 12 hrs apart. Now, alot of bros are saying higher, less frequent dosing is better for both IGF and HGH. I personally have no opinion on this, for lack of experience.

I had changed to doing my IGF shots ONCE per day. So far, I have noticed no difference from twice per day, but again, have limited experience.