EO = Ethyl Oleate

Ethyl oleate is a compound made by attaching an ethyl ester to an oleic acid chain.

It is very thin and almost clear at room temperature. It has a low boiling point for oil and is flammable, so keep away from direct flame heating methods. It can flash over once it has reached its boiling point.

It has a fairly high capacity as a solvent on its own, 50mg/ml of testosterone propionate is readily dissolved with no alcohol. So as a carrier it has great potential for hard to dissolve compounds or high dose compounds.

The most cost effective use would come with mixing it 1:1 with grapeseed oil in your hard to produce home brews. I would not recommend using it with something as simple as 300mg/ml test enanthate, but if you were to make a 400-500mg/ml test blend or single long ester depot it would be a requirement for a pain free shot.

Ethyl oleate also has a reported mild analgesic effect on the site of the depot.

It is a primary ingredient in Viromone Testosteron Propionate
