Boosting Growth Hormone Without Injections


MuscleChemistry Member
If you can keep your HGH levels up and looking good then you can also stay looking young and hot. Unfortunately this is not as easy for everyone as would be nice. For some people it is necessary to resort to HGH treatments such as injections. That said, some people do not need to go to this level of treatment or even expense. There are some things that you can do to increase your HGH levels naturally and you may want to try these before you spend the big bucks on the HGH injections.

There are some nutritional supplements that can help you to boost the levels of HGH that your pituitary gland secretes. These supplements are affordable in the extreme, especially compared to the thousands of dollars you would spend on HGH injections if you were to choose that route.

If supplements do not work for you though, then the HGH injections may be your best course of action after all. There have been many trials done on the safety of synthetic HGH and all of them have shown that many people can indeed benefit from this form of hormone treatment.

On the other hand early HGH injections were not so safe. This hormone used to be taken from cadavers and then given to living people. This did not make for a good combination. Some people came down with a deadly brain virus that killed them terribly. This was not common or anything but it was common enough that the FDA took all of these forms of HGH off of the market.

Now we have the safer synthetic HGH which has been around for over 15 years and there are no problems with it. Now how you take it will depend on how much research you have done. You can of course purchase all kinds of different forms of HGH but not all of them will work for you, for anyone actually.

For example there are all kinds of tablets, capsules and even sprays on the market that claim to provide you with the HGH that you need to look and feel younger and better. However, when you take this hormone orally the bile in your stomach will break down the HGH and render it useless. Your stomach and intestines will not be able to absorb it and make it work for your body.

If you are interested in HGH there is only one kind of treatment to bother with and that is injections. These are highly effective but they are also highly expensive. They can cost anywhere from a couple thousand dollars to over thirty thousand dollars each year they are required.

That is why it is such a good idea to first try some natural supplements to see if you can get your body naturally producing more HGH. Even if you end up spending a couple of hundred dollars on these that is nothing compared to thousands upon thousands. Here is a website with listed injectable HGH brands and prices.

You might just be surprised at what some good health supplements and some healthy exercise along with a good diet can do for your HGH levels and your overall health.