Human Growth Hormone Spray?


MuscleChemistry Member
Since HGH was clinically proven to slow, stop (or even reverse) the effects of the ageing process, and since the first viable synthesis of effective rHGH [Recombinant, meaning synthetically produced from human DNA splicing techniques] there has been massive and rampant production of totally bogus supplements and ineffective methods of administering HGH.
One such unfortunate and ineffective product is the HGH spray. A method purely unviable for multitude of reasons.
The companies beating the drums for this claim, only wanting to cash in on the HGH buzz, have developed the growth hormone spray, claiming it to be more effective and less costly than the approved HGH injections. These HGH sprays simply do not do what they claim to for a number of reasons.

1. Administering such a spray involves a short burst of the product, sprayed into the nasal cavity. The product is supposedly to be absorbed through the lining into the blood stream to be carried to specific receptor sites. The spray is assumedly to be kept in liquid form.
This is an invalid and bogus claim. First, the HGH molecule is too big to pass through the lining of the nasal cavity. As regards the claim of the spray being kept in liquid form, HGH when dissolved in solution loses its structural integrity. Dissolving will change the HGH shape, making the molecule unacceptable to the receptor sites, since it works on the basis of lock and key hypothesis.

2. Using spray as a method of administration means exposing the HGH to heat. HGH is very sensitive to heat, and if not kept at temperatures of 2-8 degrees, it becomes useless. HGH is so sensitive to movements, even shaking, and this could shatter the links between the atoms of the molecule.

3. If you look at the ingredients used, as claimed by the producers of these sprays, they are complicated and totally unjustifiable. They contain multitudes of amino acids, which they claim will boast a minor production of natural HGH. This is alright for a young 20 year old whose HGH levels are already high. And why would they need it anyway. For someone older however, the supposed increase in natural HGH production would be so small, to make it insignificant.

And in any case, the carious amino acids supply is not targeted towards to controlled production of adrenal cortisone, effectively increasing the ageing process!

4. The HGH Sprays also contain animal brain parts (under the assumption that including these brain parts adds some amounts of HGH). This is outrageous to say the least. First, the HGH is called so because it is a Human growth hormone. There is no way you can get HGH from an animal. And then again, it is a well know fact that brain tissue is the main cause of human form of mad cow disease. We need to educate ourselves!

5. As regards the law here, the FDA classifies HGH as a doctors prescription drug only. Any product that has significant amount of HGH is under law, a drug. Any product that contains significant amounts of HGH and is not prescribed by a doctor, is both fake, and illegal!