anyone get their tax returns yet?


Staff member
ours is spent on FUCKING BILLS! I forget why I wanted to be a grown up in the first place, oh yeah so i could vote, no thats not it, drink maybe? no dont drink, oh thats right so i could pay bills and flip a coin every day with my wife to see who has to go get the fucking dreaded mail!

My mailbox has this shit eating grin on its face every time o go to open it, like yeah bitch im loaded with debt today!

Just once I want to open the mail box and see Ed McMahons head pop out with a that check you never see anyone or hear about anyone ever winning!
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Presser said:
ours is spent on FUCKING BILLS! I forget why I wanted to be a grown up in the first place, oh yeah so i could vote, no thats not it, drink maybe? no dont drink, oh thats right so i could pay bills and flip a coin every day with my wife to see who has to go get the fucking dreaded mail!

My mailbox has this shit eating grin on its face every time o go to open it, like yeah bitch im loaded with debt today!

Just once I want to open the mail box and see Ed McMahons head pop out with a that check you never see anyone or hear about anyone ever winning!

ed only hooks up other old people. then their kids kill them off so they can inherit it.

i fear my email instead of my mailbox. i get "informed" when my bills are due. seems like a new one everyday. the only thing I cant pay online is rent. even when I pay those fuckers they lose my check and 2 weeks getting eviction notices.

come on, even if I didnt pay my rent, you cant do shit for 3 months! :satan:
Got my tax return - had it all figured out - bills, summer camps for the kids,
sensable stuff. My old Lady said "lets take the kids to Disneyland" (I'm the only
one who worries about bills and the roof over our head. I think "what a flake she
is" when I look at my girls - 12 and 8 years old - great kids. They are growing up
so fast. Bottom line - we went to Disneyland and they got and did anything they
wanted. It was for them. Moral: you never know how long you are going to be
here for - you gotta remember to also enjoy life now or it will pass you by.
mcgaret said:
Got my tax return - had it all figured out - bills, summer camps for the kids,
sensable stuff. My old Lady said "lets take the kids to Disneyland" (I'm the only
one who worries about bills and the roof over our head. I think "what a flake she
is" when I look at my girls - 12 and 8 years old - great kids. They are growing up
so fast. Bottom line - we went to Disneyland and they got and did anything they
wanted. It was for them. Moral: you never know how long you are going to be
here for - you gotta remember to also enjoy life now or it will pass you by.

yeah well if i did shit like that i would be enjoying likfe from a card board box im living in,lol
I hear ya presser
everyone wants a piece of my money
just when you think your getting ahead then bam some bullshit bill or something comes up
supermannpc said:
I hear ya presser
everyone wants a piece of my money
just when you think your getting ahead then bam some bullshit bill or something comes up

I hate paying taxes!

the worst part is I own my own busines and have to take out 25% of what ever I make and hold it in a savings account and give it to the goverment every 3 months. That makes it so hard to watch that money go bye bye :(
i found out I was getting $1100 back in taxes, I also found out I had an old oil tank out in the yard of my "new" house and it was going to cost me $1400 to have it inspected and filled and properly abated. Then we got flooded and lost a ton of stuff in the basement including the new sheetrock I had stacked up to renovate the second floor...
the money is one thing but going to the store and loading sheetrock onto the roof of my truck ALONE and driving home and unloading it ALONE and stacking it in the basement sucks!!! 2 steps forward 1 step back
I got my state back, but not the federal yet. We got a good penny back, but it all goes into bills. Well, all except for what I held out for "personal use". Glad the wife's ok with that.
Mike, My wife says the same thing when I have her get my sheetrock - I tell her the
same thing - "quit bitchen about gettin some exercise" - (with all that bitchen I
cant hear the TV)