Spiderman III


New member
I saw this movie last night with my wife and I have to say I was extremely pissed after I left the movie. I almost killed me. I mean the first two were pretty good, but this one was so long and drawn out. There was way to much crap in it and it took was to long to get anywhere. The fight scenes were good, but other than that I would say it was average or below. I would advise anyone thinking about watching it to wait until DVD. IMO
I saw the first one and stopped while I was behind. I hate that tobey mguire little fuck
Just got back from taking my kids (and their friends) - funny when you spend
more at the snack bar then for admission. It would have been better if it was
closer to 1 1/2 hours then the 2 1/2 it was. I know its draging when I keep
thinking "dam, this movie is long."
I was way too long...the only thing that kept us from leaving was the people sitting next to us. I think the guy next to my wife was high because he couldn't quit laughing hysterically throughout the movie, especially funny when what he was laughing @ was intended to be sad. And the girl I was sitting next must've been a HUGE spiderman fan b/c she got extremely emotional every time a fight scene would start. I looked over there one time to see tears in her eyes, her fists clenched and how mouthing the words...COME ON SPIDERMAN!!! I swear this was the only thing that kept us from leaving.
Gbart said:
yeah i cant stand him never got into the spidermans too much.
you're just jealous because you like your boyfriend Ben Grimm, "the Thing" from Fantastic Four. Rise of the Silver Surfer looks F'ng sick... and gotta love Jessica Alba in that suit.
Alba does look great, but I'm liking Jessica Biel in the movie with Adam Sandler and the King of Queens guy...have you guys seen the preview. I almost went crazy!!! :dizzy: :dizzy: :thumbsup:
oh my God, i LOVE Jessica Biel, watched the Illusionist last night with the wife and only could manage to pay attention long enough because she was in it.
saw spiderman 3.... it was pretty long and drawn out.. the CGI is perfectly seemless with human characters.. that's my biggest thing.. i love the fact that you can watch fiction and not tell the difference from the real thing..

i was surprised that my 3.5yr old son stayed still through the whole thing.. it was his first non animated big screen flick.. and he loves spiderman 1 and 2... must have seen the damn things about 400 times each...

either way, i liked it... back was sore when it was over.... ... i guess .. since i don't too many movies on screen it was nice to see high impact scenes and EFX on up close and personal... but it's definitely a DVD purchase vs a movie nite unless you have a long attention span..

for some reason though, i'm looking forward to trying to see fantastic 4 on the big screen though.. somethng about these marvel flicks in movies facinate me.. more special fx the better !...
Spiderman said:
I looked over there one time to see tears in her eyes, her fists clenched and how mouthing the words...COME ON SPIDERMAN!!! I swear this was the only thing that kept us from leaving.

thats funny.

did you yell "DORK!"?
Nah, but I figured that was understood when my wife kept laughing outloud at her...I mean it really was funny. We ended up watching her and the other guy more than the movie until the very end.