IGF post workout


New member
after reading some of the dosing ideas bigbaldbulldog brought up I've been using 60mcg post workout and concentrating on my pecs because they could use a little catch up and I'm trying to get my bench back. I can't say for sure but after only 3 weeks it seems to be working pretty well and I like just using post workout instead of trying to time it right to use it both pre and post etc.

I'll keep you guys posted but so far combining DC training and IGF are a sure winner on my eyes.
I'm probably going to start up again post workout in the next few weeks. For the most part I think my gains came from a good diet and sticking to the DC routine. I know a lot of people swear by it but for me just sticking to any routine and not bouncing around always produces results
Im getting back on the igf band wagon too. Btw, some crazy mofo asked me if it can go sub-q. Thats a no-right??
I gotta say I'm pumped to see how I respond with the IGF. I can't wait to get it going. I'll let everyone know for sure...I'm going to run it 80mcgs/day only on days I work out which will be 5 days/week. Going to do it bilaterally in the muscles I worked out within 5 minutes of my workout!!!