Is IGF risk free?


New member
Im new with all this stuff but I googled IGF and alot of reports came up linking it to some types of cancer. Not sure really what they were saying because it was all medical terms so has anyone else read anything like that? What types of amounts would be dangerous if any? Im trying to put together my next cycle and not kill myself! It is funny all the reports say that they have not shown any value in the supplement market for it because the studies show no effects but they find time to study it to show it causes some types of cancer?? Just want some more opinion , Im still gonna run it though.
if you're still going to run it why do you need opinions???? You need to make sure what you are reading is valid research. Who was it written by, who do they work for, how was the study done, were the results conclusive...things like that. I no a lot of bros on here have taken it and I have not heard of one side effect nearly as strong as cancer. Sure, with anything taken in excess you will get sides, but I if you stay under 100 ug you will be fine. If this is your first time, which I'm assuming it is, stay way under...and make sure you do a little more reading on what you're putting into your body before you do it because the ultimate responsibility lies with you!!!
I couldnt tell you where I got it I found several, I just did a search. Another problem alot of it was in medical terms and I had no idea what they were saying , hell one report I read to me was; words, words, bigger words, cancer, more big words, cancer and more words I didnt even know how to say... Thats what was going through my mind when I read it, confusing! So I wont even attempt to quote anything I read, its beyond me. I did hear on the news the other day that microwave popcorn causes cancer in the lungs or some shit like that. I guess everything might jack you up if you have too much.
agreed, no more risk in my opinion than drinking or smoking except you're doing it in moderation, cycling it on and off and takiing ancillaries to protect yourself so in fact it's much safer
Everything has risks, even the food we eat. Benefits do outweigh negatives in this case though so I think you'll be just fine.