Coffee MUD!


Staff member
whoooo I should leave the coffee making to my wife,lol, I swear u could power a jet with the shit i just made and drank,lmao
i NEED coffee in the morning.

best buzz comes from starting the brew and putting your cup right under the distiller. We actually have a sign here at work not to do that.... lol. fing nazis...
mikeswift said:
i started my day with a Redline this morning, well actually only half because I started twitching. lol

I know you love that stuff Mike, but i drank a half a bottle and felt like I was on some sort of crazy upper. I felt awkward; I didn't really like it much.
i like it strong. I love to wake up bout 7a.m. and get some brew crack the top off that bad boy budweiser at 7a.m. thats when you know your in for a good damn day.