Liver Flush

Are you talking about the hulda clark flush? if so then yes......and yes if done correctly gall stones do come out.
Dont really know if this is what has helped but its worth a shot. I have been wondering why my inj have been getting so swolen(grapefruit size) and hurting so damn bad. And why after I drink it takes me 2-3 days to recover.. Well I started thinking... My liver.. so I tried this liver flush which consist of epson salt, olive oil, and grapefruit juice. Well the last two days after I flushed my liver,, my allergies have not been bad at all. Also when I inj this morning, It didn't hurt, nor does it hurt to walk, and nor has it gotten swollen, and I mean no pain and no lumps! You guys might wanna give this a shot if you suspect your liver might need a little help..
Is this liver flush homemade, or something you buy OTC. How much/how long did you have to take to notice results?
Its homemade and you notice results almost immediately.. Do a google search on hulda clark liver flush.
Cyphon said:
I did it once but I didnt feel any benefit......some people actually do benefit.

They say the more you do it, the more you will notice results. Will do it again in 2 weeks.