can u get cancer on ur dick


Staff member
i mean i know people men get tesy cancer, but do men get little lumps on the dick, i mean on the inside of their skin, not like a pimple or nuttin but like a small beebee on the actual dick under the skin?

my buddy wants to know,lol
Statistics, Causes and Symptoms Penis Cancer

The American Cancer Society estimates that about 1,530 new cases of penile cancer are diagnosed each year and about 280 men will die of penile cancer in 2006. Penile cancer occurs in about 1 man in 100,000 in the United States.

Although penis cancer is very rare in North America and Europe but much more common in some parts of Africa and South America, where it accounts for up to 10% of cancers in men.

Definition of penis cancer
Cancer of the penis (penile cancer) is a malignant growth of cells in the tissue and/or external area of the penis. Penis cancer is a very rare disease that is generally an aggressive form of cancer that has a tendency to spread.

Prognosis following diagnosis of penis cancer
If penile cancer has been diagnosed and treated early then the 5 year survival rate is 65%, so it is important to seek medical attention quickly. Elderly men are the most likely to suffer from this form of cancer.

Causes of penis cancer
The cause of penis cancer unknown but there is a higher incidence of penile cancer in uncircumcised men and men who do not keep the area under the foreskin clean. The presence of smegma, the cheese-like secretion under the foreskin, appears to increase the risk.

Signs symptoms of penis cancer
The most common symptom is a tender spot, wart like lump or open sore, usually painless, that originates on the tip of the penis. Pain and bleeding usually only occurs if the cancer is advanced. Penile cancer that is not treated can spread into the lymph nodes of the groin and on to other parts of the body. Malignant cells, cancer in the lymph nodes are abnormal, often painless, swellings.

Diagnosis of penis cancer
Diagnosis of penis cancer is made by the surgical removal and biopsy of the lump. This excludes other diseases such as penile warts or syphilis.

Stages of penis cancer
There are 4 stages of cancer of the penis
<LI>Stage 1 penis cancer. Malignant cells are found only on the surface of the penis
<LI>Stage 2 penis cancer. Malignant cells are found on the surface, tissues beneath the surface and in the shaft of the penis.
<LI>Stage 3 penis cancer. Malignant cells have spread to the lymph nodes in the groin.
Stage 4 penis cancer. Malignant cells have spread through the penis, lymph nodes in the groin and to other parts of the body.
Could be a small cyst or ingrown hair. Have him go to the doctor to check it out. I wouldn't be playing around when my dick is involved. lol.
they may have to remove his dick to prevent any malignant cells from spreading... of course it'd be a shame if when they did the biopsy they found it was nothing