halloween costumes


New member
I know the halloween parties are getting close.. How many of yall are gettin dressed up for the parties? And if you are then what are you dressing up as??
I was thinking of Riddick or XXX aka Vin Diesel but all I would have to do is wear a tank top and my wife thinks it's too lazy of a costume :p
man I'm trying to get out of it, my old lady want's me to shave my goatee and spray my hair blonde and go as Drago off Rocky IV because she has a ref. outfit...
I want to go as Ron Jeremy
guess I'm gonna have to put my foot down and tell her it's Mr. Jeremy or nothing :fyi:
To please my daughter I dressed up as something that I will never mention, but it matched her costume, after that I swore I would never dress up for halloween again. But this year we are actually going to a party and I am BamBam and my wife is Pebbles...I don't really like dressing to match, but I guess that's the way it's got to be at halloween, plus I get to go without my shirt...sort of.
not much of a fan of halloween. Ill prob be hunting muzzleloading is that full week so prob no parties for me. Last year i rented a full out mascot suit lol i was a muskrat it was fuckin halarious although i was dehydrated in about 7 minutes still got tons of laughs out of it. It was tough playing beer pong out of it. I had a long crazy straw i would drink through the head with haha.
mikeswift said:
I was thinking of Riddick or XXX aka Vin Diesel but all I would have to do is wear a tank top and my wife thinks it's too lazy of a costume :p

Ahh, but you would have to shave your head. :D
(or at least put a skin cap on)
i was thinking about getting one of those muscle guy suits...what do you think? I wanna look big, like without having to work out and stuff. YEA!!!
dress up? Naw, I just wear a mask so no one can identify me as I go around knocking down little kids and stealing their bags of candy.
I get nekid and put a large leaf over my schlong. When someone asks what I am I
give them my dirtiest look and say "fucking SPRING".