Mystery Injuries

I have had too many to count. I herniated several discs in my back from doing dead lifts which felt normal after completing until later when my whole lower body went numb. Similar things to what happened to you. Bang my hand on something then the following day it feels broken. Horrible bruises, Knee issues, ankle issues, horrible back issues, currently feet problems. I have a terrible case of plantar fasciitis in both feet. It's excruciating and I have done nothing to cause it. I don't do cardio, I'm not on my feet all day, and I haven't been lifting any heavy weights. It's so bad that I would probably be crippled if I exercise. It's scary when you are only 25 years old and feel like you're 70. My doctor says I will become crippled if I don't either recover from it or get it repaired surgically. Walking when I wake up in the morning is excruciating. Apparently I have a severe case of it due to extremely high arches on my feet. By the way...for anyone suffering from this condition they should get some high quality arch supports or special orthopedic shoes. It's worth the money and might save you from becoming a crippled fool like me. lol.
been there too bro, the endorphins and adrenaline will keep you going everytime and it will kick in when it wears off. Last week I was cutting the drain off the bottom of an antique marble sink with my reciprocating saw and holding the sink in one hand and the saw in the other, sink started to slip towards the iron claw foot tub and the blade came off the drain and right across my left thumb... chewed into it pretty good but it felt fine and I dabbed the blood off and went back to work. The next day it definitely felt like it was broken and the whole thing swelled and turned black and blue... just getting better now and I think IGF has helped me heal miraculously fast everytime!
BiggerStronger have you looked into Night Splints? I've had it before and some of the people I used to coach when I was a Marathoner used to get it too. I went for repeated accupressure to get rid of mine although it comes back once in a while from over exercising but it's rare. My buddy swears by the night splints though bro, check them out. Here's one option:
mikeswift said:
BiggerStronger have you looked into Night Splints? I've had it before and some of the people I used to coach when I was a Marathoner used to get it too. I went for repeated accupressure to get rid of mine although it comes back once in a while from over exercising but it's rare. My buddy swears by the night splints though bro, check them out. Here's one option:

I mentioned that exact same thing to my doctor and he told me to stay away from those things. He said that the only way to repair it is for the tendons to heal by not putting so much pressure on the ligaments/tendons in the foot. He told me all those stretcher braces do is stretch out the ligament so that it doesn't hurt in the morning, but in fact it does more damage by continuously straining the muscle. I don't know if that is completely true but it makes sense to me.
Hey bigger - where can you find the high quality arch supports or special ortho shoes?
do you need a script? (the special shoes dont come with a helmet do they?)
What about the shoes with the funny heel - it lookes detached and on springs. Anyone
ever try?