How long is my IGF good?


New member
I got some IGF back in November and used it 3 times .I hit a shit load of overtime at work and couldnt get to the gym regular so I put it up and I was wondering if it is still any good? Its been almost 6 months in the fridge. It has been opened and used. Anyone?
yes its 110% still good bro, no need to buy any more! Unless ofcourse you want to,lol
lol, oh i didnt know that was you bro!lol, i dont know whos board name goes with their shipping order name sorry,lol, but i know who yar now,lol, only one i owe a freebie to, its ready when u are daddio!
Thanks man. Working all this Overtime its hard to start anything cause its like throwin money away! Now that Im off for a few weeks I can hit it hard again so I will be ordering soon!