Who of you have SO's that read this board?



Some of the replies I see anymore, I swear were typed with wives or girlfriends looking on.  I swear if I see another "My girl is better than sliced bread, and I am a love-struck fool who would surely go blind if I even thought about another pair of breasts." - I am going to be sick.
I'm not talking about cheating here Press, I'm just talking about some of these replies I have been reading relating to a multitude of questions.
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Hmmmm, well, uh, yep, I suppose so, I guess anyway, its definatly possible. Fuck, I have no idea what I should say! Later
well mrs456 hardly ever even looks at this board anymore. She works 40+ hrs a week and is now selling Mary Kay too.
I DO I DO!!! ....

but i guess the regulars already knew that... and I don't say any of the pussy shit AURI...

wah wah!! ... why are you so worried about what other's try to ... "cushion" in the case that a sig other may read their posts? ... ... ... are you TOO TOUGH since you've made GREAT GAINS in your new pics (.. hint, auri has new gain pics in the members pic section) ...

or .. are you just too worried.. that maybe some other country ( .. we do have international forums, and yes, american's and other countries are allowed to visit brit/canadian forums) ... .... might feel that us American's passify our women ???

Or is it... that you're afraid that men don't mention the Schwartz Labs suppliments thinking thier wives will buy them a shitload of supps from there (btw.. if you click on the link above it will bring you to a site that gives all mc.com members a discount when using aspecific code to buy supps... .. or you can call ). .,...

... and NO BY ANY MEANS is this post meant to be a plug for ANYTHING .. (presser you owe me $250) ... ...  ...  ... fuck ... i forget where I was going with this...

... anyway... Auri...  ...     what was the question again?