National Epidemic!


New member
The US Government has declared a health epidemic because of the proliferation of swine flu. Normally transmitted from pig to human- this strain is being transmitted human to human specifically those Americans who have recently traveled to Mexico. There are 20 reported cases in the US with many cases here in Texas. 86 have died in Mexico.
Symptoms are fever, cough , sore throat, body aches, headaches, chills, fatigue, diarrhea, vomiting. It can lead to pneumonia and respiratory failure.
Schools, churches and county offices are closing for the week until its safe.
Airport officials are considering cutting all flights here but are waiting word from the US government.
I just read an article on yahoo about this. Scary stuff. I know most guys don't want to hear this but the bible talks about a disease/virus that wipes out a bunch of the earth's population. Makes you think doesn't it?
I was in mexico last week... haa haa. Im fine, but about a month ago, i caught something that had me in bed for 4 days. I had all of the above ^^^^
thats crazy man, all you guys down south better keep the hand sanitizer in your back pocket.

just another reason to not eat pork

besides the sodium :)
Damnit, pig tastes so good though!

Actually, I read on an article today that you can't get it from eating pork...

"People cannot become infected by eating pork or pork products. Cooking pork to an internal temperature of 160 degrees Fahrenheit kills the virus as well as other bacteria, notes the CDC."