Anyone else not a Morning person? i am so so bad at mornings


Staff member
I been this way all my life, I have had friends who litterly jump right up in the morning and are ready to go, but me no way, it litterly takes me a good hours and half to feel like myself.

I thought i could break out of it if i just forced myself to wake up early for a log period of time, but its not happening man! I hate mornings! I litterly dread them every night when i go to bed i think about how awful i will feel the following morning, lol, i know that sounds crazy but its true!

This morning was the worse, found out i was out of ephedrine, and man im still miserable,lol

just wanted to rant a little,lol,
Nope im one of the hated chipper morning people i feel sorry for ya man i know i piss my family off when im running circles around them in the mornings.
fucking hate morning!!!
my brain doesn't even start to kick in until 10AM. on my days off I try to sleep till noon if possible

I've roomed with guys when I'm on the road working, that are up at fucking 5 in morning whistling and singing in the shower and shit:dizzy:

talk about annoying
:) I wouldnt do that I sound like a fog horn.. but i might be banging around the kitchen at 5 making pre breakfast and breakfast. I agree the wistling and singing is annoying at any point in the morning.
I'm not a morning person either, unless I'm on Clen ;) Seriously though, I have to force myself to get up at 7am everyday. I don't have class until 2pm right now but I start work in August and have to be there at 8 so I might as well try and get used to it now. If not it will suck even more starting work. :(

Hopefully some day I will have a job that doesn't require such early hours.
I hate mornings and people at work know not to approach me till 9:00am at the earliest, or 4 cups of coffee whichever comes first.
funny you bring this subject up. I was just talking to my girl today about how early and full of energy i am in the morinings now that im doing this diet, not sure if its all the cardio or weight loss, and could be the heathly eating also. But before I started this diet I was not a morning person at all.
I hate mornings and people at work know not to approach me till 9:00am at the earliest, or 4 cups of coffee whichever comes first.

That's ME... except I'm usually not approachable until somewhere closer to lunchtime.

And happy morning people just make me more grumpy when I'm tired... I kinda wanna smack them and tell them to STFU! lol...
I dont know whats going on, but i was like all of you till recently. Now, boom 5 or 6 am and im up.... in a good mood by 7am.
Whats worse is.. im an insomniac, unless I knock myself out with meds or booze I wont fall asleep for hours after I have decided to go to bed :( Wish I was able to fall asleep easily so it comes with its curse. Next time you see a morning person ask them how hard it is to fall asleep. Could just be me tho. I know how yall feel I get my head bit off alot in the mornings :D I dont mind tho most people get over it after a few hours... or weeks of being around me :)
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Im horrible in mornings. people already know not to speak to me for the first few hours. I cant fucking stand happy, loud, morning people. I always imagine breaking a glass mug over there head then breaking there ankles and ripping there tongues out.

Thats just me.
the only thing that gets me up in the morning is FOOD.

if i didnt have to eat all my eggs and oats id stay in bed ALLL DAYY
I hate mornings as well. Im not a morning person but i have days where i am its weird. I can sleep 10 hours and wake up shitty and not wanting to get up. then every once in a while ill sleep 5 and wake up ready to great the damn day its weird.
If im looking forward to something the following day i can wake up just fine lol.