I made 250mg/ml Prop!


New member
I made 250mg/ml of Prop and as far as pain goes its no different than any kind of soreness that I get the day after anything of any kind with any ester. Just a little sore. I massage it real good after and the soreness is gone in a couple days. Good enough time to inject EOD. I used 100% EO for my oil and it flies right through a 25g pin better than any other oil I've used through a 23g. Heres the recipe. Makes about 80ml

43 mls EO oil
20 grams Prop powder
2ml BA
20ml BB
im not very fond of eo myself. If it could tear into the rubber stoppers, imagine what its doing inside your body.
Just so you guys are aware, you are NOT supposed to be massing the injection site post-injection....

A little heat is ok, but do not massage it.
why arent you suppose to massage the spot you just injected? that makes absolutly no sense to me
Massaging oil based injections of anything is fine. You are not supposed to rub or massage water based substances at all. You shouldn't have to anyway with the water based. It should subside pretty readily. Obviously heat is not a problem with oil based either.
I get monster headaches that go down the back of my neck when I get over 300mg's of prop a week in me, I would cut my fuckin head off taking 250 eod. Doesnt happen with any other test. Ive been massaging my inj sites for a long time, sometimes just to stop the oil from coming back out of the pin hole after a 3cc shot!
i tried this recipe, it fuckn suck ass, dont waist your guys time. first shot and i got the hard shakes and flu symtoms like fuck that night. maybe just me, but last time i dose it that high again. felt better shooting 2cc's every 2nd day than fitting that high a mg per cc.
FUCK!!!! i had some scary dreams that same night too.
i tried this recipe, it fuckn suck ass, dont waist your guys time. first shot and i got the hard shakes and flu symtoms like fuck that night. maybe just me, but last time i dose it that high again. felt better shooting 2cc's every 2nd day than fitting that high a mg per cc.
FUCK!!!! i had some scary dreams that same night too.

lol, i wouldnt try that high a dose prop if u paid me brutha