the wrestler movie review.


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
what did you guys think? sad- right??

Was wondering if some of you older guys related a little bit with the character. I did a little, seeing him walk around with aches and pains. Looking around, seeing other guys in the same boat. Getting jacked up and crazy - kinda a outsider from the real world.
awesome movie, makes you think about life in general-after your time has come, what do you have to show for it?
i like how they didnt waste any time explaining where the money went. Its better unsaid.
Sad flick

I hated the part with the staple gun.

After seeing the bathroom scene....kinda rammed home the idea that he kinda fucked his life away.

I myself have been more focused on havin fun, rather than be a good guy. Only once, or twice, though hehe :satan:
you know the thing about the movie, they could have made it about anything- wrestling, factory workers, pro football players, fast food, etc.

the bottom line is that when it's all said and done what do you have to show for it? who really gives a damn about you? who considers you their hero?

not his family, not his girlfriend, just his fans-
when my day comes who is gonna consider me their hero?
I don't know...

makes you think:confused:
Ive incorporated living my life by a thought process of one day of when I was sitting around thinking.... Nothing in life matters to me any , its just a test of time of if your worthy of the bigger picture when you die. No outside help , or influences , your just an experiment of how your wired , as time goes on the truth comes out.

and when the truth comes out that truth chooses your afterlife.

just like with experiments based on chance , the longer or more results the more accurate. Life is a test of time to figure out accuracy of worth. So just live with good morals , and thats it. Until you die , and hope to die as soon as possible without trying to.

Your suppose to charish life , but for those who were worthy praise the outcome of their death , that they didnt have to live through as much bullshit as you do. Because if your not worthy the big picture of afterlife will be continuous bullshit of what normal life is like. Ups and downs , or a constant down. No completeness.

So I just do my best to enjoy life , do my best to stay true to my morals , etc. But hope to die as soon as possible , without suicide and without allowing it to happen the more your willing to put up with and push shows more that your true to the moral of no suicide than just not doing it.

life = test
afterlife = your results