new and need help!!


New member
You guys have alot of good info.
I need a little help. I'm 5'8" and 142lbs. My body fat is 17%. I have alot of muscle but I want a little more in my legs and butt. Last year at this time my Body fat was 13% but I felt I was too big in my upper body. I did a cycle last year and gained alot of muscle. I was never as cut as I would have liked. My goal this year is to gain a little more muscle in my legs and butt and get really cut. I have a trainer that does my diet, so I don't need help there. I meet with him every 2 weeks to check my progress. I don't want to ask him about steriods and I would like to get the info. from a women. I have winny 50mg/ml and deca 300mg/ml. Can I do anything with this? What is your opion about reaching my goal? I can get almost anything, this is what I have now. Should a women do deca 300mg? Please give me the exact dosage. Thankyou for taking the time to help!!!
how much you looking to gain???? you do know that you may retain some water from the deca cycle.. (which yes deca works great yet at the end you must still but up after.)
taking the deca you will put on muscle..that is a given fact.. but take no more then 50mg per wk... it stays in your system to long to take much higher then that.. (unless you want to take the risk of virilization .. that is your option)

if you insist on using what you have..(ie the winny inject)
try 8 wks 50mg wk deca then 4 wks with the winny on one
condition.. do you know how your body will react to the winny.. many women like it .. some hate it.. winny reacts with each womens body different.. and the inject is harsher to your system then the oral... some have great shedding effects.. others bloat like a water ballon... so before you go wacking a ton of winny you best best is to see how you react to it... a little penis is not that attractive ;) ) at that you would take no more then 50mg a wk also..

do not rely on the chemicals to "cut you up".. they all are gonna help build muscle.. it's your diet and cardio that are gonna attain that chiseled look.. the chemicals will help with extra muscle growth for a great frame ..

Patsy, I would agree with the info that Sasha all ready gave.  What was the cycle that you did last year, and how were your sides?  Be very careful using the Deca, the chance of virilization is pretty high, so just watch it carefully if you decide to use it.  And you will retain water from the deca!  And to reiterate what Sasha had all ready said.....don't rely on these chemicals to cut you up....that must be from diet and cardio...well, and some ECA, T3 , and/or clen.  Take care, and good luck!   :D
too many rely on these to "cut them up" just an example is this thread from another board....

I fixing to start a new cycle and need some good advice. I am currently cycleing Deca, but am looking for something to stack with it to help cut up and kill the water weight I cant seem to lose. I am currently 136lbs, (havent checked my bodyfat% lately, but I want to say around 17%) I am looking to drop another 10lbs, and start gaining back lean muscle. 03-25-2002
Grrr!! Getting frustrated here! I have managed to put on 3 lbs in 2 days. Not cool. I think that this deca is making put on the pounds since I am not stacking it with anything else right now.

i will leave names and things out...

deca is gonna put a few pounds onto you.... but if you are willing to tolerate that for a short time and then diet and cardio good  thru and after.. you will shred up nicely ... again it is more the diet and routine that gives you that look... not the gear.. :) sorry to keep repeating this. but to many woman think that they will "cut up" just from it.. like a wonder drug.. that answer that people have been looking for in weight loss.. when it is far from that.. hell since i started on gear i have add 20+ permanent lbs.. yet still fit into the same size clothes..(well most..heehee.. shirts are a

also you can use anavar instead of winny .. @10mg ed.. for 4 wks.. after the deca and see how that goes... that will help keep what you have if you go on a strict lossing diet after that..  

I have a nutritionist that analizes what I eat each week. I have to write down exactly what I put in my mouth daily and I fax it to him every friday. I visit him every two weeks to get my measurements and body fat done. He will tell me if I should take in more Cal.or eat fewer and Protein, so I wont lose muscle. I do carido 4x a week 30 min. and I also do a conditioning class two times a week. I feel this is what I'm depending on to cut me up the most.I also train hard with weights. I was wondering if there was something I could take to help cut me up. You guys talked me out of doing  Deca, I scare easy. I have never done T3,ECA or anavar, but I'm willing to. Sasa if you we me what would you do. I want to gain a little muscle and get cut. Why do I hear how wonderful winny is at cutting? Sasa what ever your advise is, give me exact doasage. Thank you for taking the time to do this. Oh I saw your picture,  You look great. I would like to more recent pictures of you guys. Thanks again.
First off, welcome to MC!

I have done both winny and anavar together and I liked the results I got.  I put on alot of lean muscle mass, I thought I looked much more cut than before I started the cycle.  

I think that the advice that Sasha gave you is very sound.  10mg of anavar ED should be sufficient.  I really like that stuff and I had no sides.  Gave me a lean and hard look--it was awesome, but I added 25mg of winny EOD as well.  I use small amounts because I learned that my body doesn't need high dosages to see good gains.  Only difference is that I did an 8wk cycle.  

I never did deca and never will, it's not my cup of tea but that is just my .02    :)   I'm not knocking any females who do take it, its just that I have achieved that look I want from other AAS.  Plus, I scare easy too...LOL!!!