VD vs Seagal

Both martial artists are mediocre as actual fighters, but by far, The "Muscles from Brussels" would have it in the bag. Seagal's chosen art of Aikido is in question as a valid form of real self defense is why. If you have ever seen Aikido in action, it is usually nothing more than the students "dancing" with the instructor, and they never provide any type of resistance to the various locks, holds, and throws. Any experienced fighter knows that in order to get techniques like this to work you either have to over-power them, or buckle their knees and cross their eyes with a strike before any type of manipulation like that works. Given the facts that Van Damme is an actual athlete with much more muscle mass, he is faster, stronger, and much more talented than the over weight, alcoholic Seagal. Seagal even backed out of a challenge from Chuck Norris a long time ago after Seagal had been trash talking Chuck.