MC's Immense Growth Factor pre-mix versus Un-Mix

Ive heard the same thing. Plus the prices ive seen everywhere else are damn near double what MC sells them for its nuts.
Ive used it 3 times with good results each time. I almost cried when my mother in law three three bottles away when i moved. :-(
I have a buddy that has just finished a cycle of MC's IGF and a few months ago ran a very high quality supplier's Powdered un-mixed product.

The results were virtually the same according to him, and the price on the MC"s is better and the fact it is pre-mixed is easier as well...

So if you have not tried it yet, this is just another reason to try MC's version, the quality of it. I have never heard one story about someone being unhappy with results after using it.
I'm unhappy...because I ran out and I'm broke.