Post-Cycle Therapy?


New member
HCG? Clomid? Nolvadex? Arimidex? Etc etc??

What do you recommend and when? (I always thought Nolvadex during the cycle, and Clomid after, but recently was told that was incorrect).
What are you running? AAS PH/DS? Arimidex or aromisen should be taken during any aas and some PH/DS cycles.
nolvadex/aromasin for combo. run the nolv at 40/40/20/20 and the aromasin at 20mg ed. depending on what compound you are taking you must time your pct accordingly
just a side note... i ran 100mgs of clo, with 500ius of hcg every 3 days, 20 mgs of dex ed, and found 2 1/2 months later i have giant testies, but no natural test.

time for hrt in my case.